Adam Smolarczyk's Site :
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Guestbook By GuestWorld
Made on Amiga

  The most recent entries are available online.

Name: Dean Kelly
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Sydney!
Time: 1998-04-14 16:23:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: heath sandercock
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: the boarding school
Time: 1998-04-04 17:10:00
Comments: hey adam hows it going? your site is alright better than HAHS'S. WHATS WORSE THAN BEING ON A PLANE WITH OASIS? BEING ON A PLANE WITH JOHN DENVER!!! HA HA HA HA SEE YA LATER!

Name: jen
Website: every word is nonsense
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-03-18 06:49:00
Comments: heya. cool page. :) i like the rants, and the layout's not bad. thanks for the e-mail, too. :)

Name: Melissa
Website: Melissa's Hanson Webpage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Australia
Time: 1998-02-07 23:42:00
Comments: Hi adam, i thought i better sign ya guestbook since you did ask me. :) Cool site, umm...well i neva know what to write in these damn things so maybe ill finish this coz i think it sounds stupid now...... Melissa

Name: Ashley Moring
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Ontario,Canada
Time: 1998-02-07 15:42:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Natasha Mcdonald
Referred by: From
From: Australia
Time: 1998-02-01 03:57:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Taressa
Website: Nemia's Homepage
Referred by: IRC
From: Australia
Time: 1998-01-28 10:51:00
Comments: great page you got going here, it came up on my URL on irc, so i thought i'd check it out, it was worth it!

Name: Pete Burgon
Referred by: Made on Amiga
From: Deepcut,Surrey England
Time: 1998-01-24 09:31:00
Comments: Great site just looking for ideas to make my own site rgds pete

Name: Michal Kovar
Website: FRACTAL dEsiGn - Gallery
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Czech Rep.
Time: 1997-12-17 21:08:00
Comments: Nice to see something AMIGA MADE in the world of MYGRZOFT Nevim, jestli to prectes cesky, ale jeste lepsi je, ze clovek nemusi porad psat anglicky

Name: LogArt
Website: LogArt's Amiga And Sounds HomePage
Referred by: GuestWorld
From: Woodland,CA
Time: 1997-12-04 13:18:00
Comments: Hey! well, you signed mine, I thought I would sign yours. BTW, you on IRC?
Adam Says: Yeah, you can often find me on #Amigazone (through Oz.Org) under the nick "Steempy".

Name: Stefan Olszewski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Poland
Time: 1997-11-26 05:39:00
Comments: Mi sie Twoja strona podoba, choc nie lubie Amigi. Ladne sa tla papieru lub piasku. Moze za moalo ruchu i zycia. I tak lepsza od moich prac. Powodzenia.

Name: John M Price Sr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pendleton,In. U.S.
Time: 1997-11-12 09:29:00
Comments: Hi, Glad to see this page. It give me hope that the Amiga will live on. I sure hope so,there is so much that can still be done. Everyone with an Amiga should stand behined anyone that has anything on the WEB to keep the Amiga alive. Thanks

Name: Laura
Website: Sparkle's Spa
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-11-08 07:40:00
Comments: Kewl page! Please visit my page and sign my guestbook. Thanks.

Name: Dean fennell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dublin,Ireland
Time: 1997-11-01 02:25:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Tracie S.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-10-20 04:29:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Kenney D (or kennina)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hell (to the moon and back)yea
Time: 1997-10-02 08:53:00
Comments: Hello adam and hello adimina. Im bored S^#TLESS so I thought id say hello
Adam Says: S^#T makes the world go round, I think.

Name: Madeline
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Canada, Victoria, BC
Time: 1997-09-15 01:38:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Joan Rius
Referred by: Amiga Web Network
From: Esparreguera, Catalonia Europe
Time: 1997-09-04 22:16:00
Comments: Hi, i'm amiga user.. and linkin with other pages, i arrive here.. nice page.. good job.. good job, and go with amiga.. for live.. bye

Name: Magnus "Big M"
Website: Fogland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sweden
Time: 1997-08-28 19:26:00
Comments: Hello there !!! Offcurse can i sign here. It's so funny to see a GOOD site for AMIGA. And i am not just sucking up... Unfourtenly hava i just a SLOW A-500 to surf on! And i haven't even a own phone-line! But with good friends soo... By the way, do you now any good sites to get a GOOD browser. If not free, so very cheap. If you now, please tell mee! Have a nice day (or night!). Bye...

Name: Shannon
Website: Shannon's World
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Huntsville, AL, USA
Time: 1997-06-26 11:26:00
Comments: I'll just sign this, OK? Yep, that's what I'll do... ha ha ha... How did you find my page by word of mouth? (just curious)

Name: Nick Ghezzi
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Earth. No wait..... Mars
Time: 1997-06-25 18:14:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: WeLP
Website: WeLP's page is not finished but rack it up anyway
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Perth, The AMIGA City (ha ha)
Time: 1997-06-17 12:06:00
Comments: Neeto page. I want a comment now.

Name: the lyonesse
Website: the house of lyon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA
Time: 1997-06-17 08:27:00
Comments: cool page...*G*(i like the title...) *huggles*

Name: Nini
Website: Welcome to Nini's Page, home? I don't know 1 of them
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Virginia
Time: 1997-06-13 11:35:00
Comments: Hello, well I guess it is my bad luck to stumble over this page huh? Anywayz, I just wanted to tell you that your page looks great, and your guestbook is rather, should I say empty? Anywayz, keep up the great work!

Name: Betts
Website: Bett's World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Heaven
Time: 1997-06-08 17:59:00
Comments: Hey Adam; the page is kewl. Hehe toldya mine was gewd;)

Name: Midnight
Website: Kenneth's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NSW
Time: 1997-06-06 23:07:00
Comments: Pretty good page

Name: Rachel Meinecke (CODY)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-06-01 23:59:00
Comments: It was GROOVY!!

Name: Me
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: um......
Time: 1997-05-24 05:12:00
Comments: hrmm, should i be doing this ???? I dunno???
Adam says: Of course you should. And no people, I didn't sign my own guestbook... this is a different "Me". If that makes sense at all.

Name: Jeremy butler
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mount Gambier
Time: 1997-05-23 17:07:00
Comments: Amigas Rule. Visit

Name: D. Galluzzo
Referred by: Net Search
From: Australia
Time: 1997-05-11 04:24:00
Comments: The home page isn't as bad as you make it out to be!

Name: melissa salas
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: north carolina
Time: 1997-05-10 18:21:00
Comments: there are you happy now??-jerk :�
Adam says: Yeah, I'm ecstatic.

Name: Joakim Wallin
Website: Joakim`s Homesite
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mullsj�, SWEDEN
Time: 1997-04-29 06:04:00
Comments: You`ve a great site. Why don`t you visit my page and sign my Guestbook too.

Name: Anthony C
Website: Anth's Site From Way In
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Melbourne, Australia
Time: 1997-04-26 21:22:00
Comments: Hello, Tha page was ok but could be better altho its better than mine But felt it needed more ppl on the guest list so i will stop crappin on now..Later Dude! Anth

Name: Shallen Brooke
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sydney.
Time: 1997-04-26 02:35:00
Comments: i think this homepage is very good and found it quiet interesting
Adam Says: Don't lie.

Name: Kacy Lanphere
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: South Dakota
Time: 1997-04-09 10:16:00
Comments: Adam, thanks for signing my guest book, I thought I better check yours out!!

Name: Andrew Guthrie
Referred by: Net Search
From: Stanmore - Sydney
Time: 1997-03-31 12:45:00
Comments: Good to see an Amiga used to create a nice home page here. What next with PowerPC and Gateway 2000, the future seems exciting after 3-4 years of waiting, I've lost count.

Name: Tim Byron
Website: Tim Byron's Homepage (very original, I know)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sydney Australia
Time: 1997-03-29 15:59:00
Comments: Yes your homepage sucks almost as bad as mine!!
Adam says: I think this is stating the obvious and is a waste of server time. :-)

Name: Jerry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1997-03-26 19:02:00
Comments: You have done a great job Adam.

Name: *CaM*
Website: CaM's PaGe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: I dunno but I'm stoned. La la land I think... funny how I never noticed how interesting my desk is. Hmmmm...
Time: 1997-03-15 02:09:00
Comments: Hey whadda ya mean, "I have nothing to say. So there."?? Ohhh I'm so happy, coz todaaaay I found my friends, they're in my head; and I'm so tired, I can't wait to get more hash... man I love getting stoned. Dammit my mom's come upstairs. It's my 14th birthday today and the first stoner I've had. I got a skateboard too, saved and worked or that!! Too bad it's only the board part. Well whatup Mr. Laneway? Read any good books lately? My dad is kewl. Sometimes. But really nothing you could do to change things if they weren't kewl, is there? Guess we're stuck. *singing* LUcy in the skyyyyy with diamonds, la la la la... you know, virginity's like a balloon - one prick and it's all gone. Ha ha! I'll tell you a joke. Just one. I want to tell you 500 but unfortunately I don't really feel like typing all that. Nah, I'll tell you two. First: There's this foreign guy visiting the states. He goes into a bakery and asks for a "bum" and the lady's just like, What The Hell?? And he points to a bun. So the lady goes Ohhhh... a bun! And sells it to him. Next he goes to a hardware store and asks for a fuckit. The guy's like, "What?? A fuckit??" And he points to a bucket. So the guy sells him a bucket. He puts the bun in the bucket. Next, he goes to a pet store and asks the lady for a Cock and Spank It. The lady's like, "What?? What's that?" And the guy points to a Cocker Spaniel... she sells him the dog, and on the way to the bus stop to go home, his dog runs away. He wants to chase it, but his hands are full. So, he goes up to a lady at the bus stop and says, "Excuse me, miss, could you please hold my bum and fuck it while I go get my cock and spank it? ...*laughter*... Oh, forget the other one. It's damn funny but is also pretty long. Well, nice meeting you Mr.Man, but I really must jet... gotta get rrrrrrready for tonight, he heh! Oooh I wish that luvverly cool guy Dan Johns was here. I just don't get what they like so much about llamas... hmmm...well, I DO have this fascination with daisies... ok 15 year old guy I'll let you get back to work, cya later... and tell me what you meant by I have nothing to say so there. Cya lata : ) *sarah*
Adam says: This easily qualifies as being the longest comment that's ever graced my guestbook. And I still have nothing to say. So there.

Name: Larry McGahey
Website: Boy Of The North
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sault Ste Marie/Kalamazoo Michigan USA
Time: 1997-01-16 19:13:00
Comments: I always like to see what other Amiga people are doing with their machines.